Saturday, October 29, 2011

Do you wonder what your color is?

This is my last weekend of Fright Fest. :(

It has been the most amazing experience and I will treasure the memories for a long time. Everyone I have met so far is a sweetheart and you wouldn't even ever think of them as monsters!

One of the fun things is that we get our makeup airbrushed each night! We've gone through tons of looks, and I regret not photographing them all. However, here is the look from last night:

I feel like I look a bit like Harley Quinn!  Also I tihnk my lips look like a cute little cat face. :)

Does anyone recognize this outfit?

Yup! I'm wearing the exact outfit Bryce Dallas Howard wore for the movie The Village. All of our costumes for the people in my haunted house came from that movie. Cool huh? Plus my wig kind of matches Ivy Walker's hair color... spooky! Well I have to go get ready for tonight. ;)



  1. UMMMMMMMMMM excuse me, I think that you just might be the COOLEST PERSON EVER. I want to hang out with you and run around looking like zombies and eat everybody's brains. YAY.

  2. What do you mean guys came up behind you and scared you? IMMA BASH THEM. Also it's called petrol, not gas lololol.

  3. your post scared me! and I loved it! great costume lol.

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