Wednesday, November 23, 2011

out there a lonely girl can drown

 So every time I want to take pictures, I have to move the garden hose and I just toss it aside willy nilly. But as I was walking over it when I finished my pictures, I realized it looked a bit like a treble clef today. I wonder what other shapes I missed!

These gorgeous frames come from proopticals! I think they are very cute and they remind me of Keiko Lynn.
I'm trying to get another job for winter. :( Jamba Juice doesn't have good business in the cold weather so my house get cut. I've had about 20 hours cut this month! I've been hounding Forever 21 but they haven't replied back yet for an interview.

I've lost so much weight this semester. Those shorts used to be crazy tight on my waist, now I can comfortably stick my hand in between the waistband and myself without it being tight at all! I think I'm around 130 now... just 20 lbs to go! 

 celebratory tumblr gif.



  1. totally almost looks like a treble clef!

  2. Musical garden hoses are the best kind! You look like a hot bishhh as usual. I love those shoes, I need a new pair of boots because mine are covered in fake blood. lawl.

  3. oh i'm in love with your shorts and boots,amazing!!!

    giveaway on my blog:

  4. Congrats on the weight loss!!! (thats a crazy amount. Why does it not happe to me????)

    I love the androgynous look. Absolutely love it. You definitely have a way with le clothes xD

  5. love the denim shorts! really great :) now following !


  6. you have a really great figure! I'm jealous of your curves! and these shorts look killer on you ;)

  7. Love you glasses! very cute! And don't think you have to be a skinny runt to be beautiful!
    Ahka Vintage Blog
