Monday, January 30, 2012

Who's awesome? You're awesome.

Oh dear god what is that thing
Here you go Kirsten you asked for it. This is what I look like when I wake up. Photoshop told me I was that pale ;-;
 Guess what I had for lunch today? Protein+Animal style, no cheese, always.

Simply glorious.

Going upstairs!

 OH let's have a looksies at my room. You can see in the second photo a quarter of the amount of clothes I still need to photograph and put up for sale somewhere.

Basically I've been getting over being sick this whole past week. I went to a rave last Saturday I was stuck in the rain for about an hour trying to get in even though I had already purchased my ticket! It wasn't so bad though, I actually had a lot of fun! But I don't enjoy the 102 fever (worst night ever ;-; )and disgusting cough that still haunts me.

My classes are going pretty well. I already have some friends and my teachers are all good. It really helps to use before you sign up for classes! I have a mythology class, math, photography and human studies class. I wish I had the time to take a PE but I am already running around between campuses. I'll just have to get my exercise from running around outside.

 Is it weird that I don't like sleeping on sheets? I love the bare mattress and pillow! It feels so much better and it's so much easier to make my bed in the morning.
sweater from croft&barrow
jeans from JcPenny's
boots from Forever21
ring from ebay



  1. HA! Awesome. HELLO FACE. And what a nice face it is. I want a burger now damn you. Glad your classes are going well, I've got a photography class this semester as well! Twinzies.

    1. OH YEAH have fun with that! My class has been pretty awesome so far.
      Come to California and let me set a table for you at In N Out and we can be fancy.

  2. i love this look!!!so cool!!!

    xoxo from rome
